Be a Neighbour, Be a Snow Angel

ImageWinter is here, and volunteers are needed for the Snow Angels program!

Snow Angels is a volunteer snow removal service for eligible seniors and persons with physical disabilities. The Snow Angel program is truly ‘the neighbourly thing to do’ and a great way for students and others to get involved in the community.

Once you sign up, you have 24 hours from when it stops snowing more than 3cm of snow to get to the home or homes that you have been assigned to. Once there, the sidewalk, a path from the main entrance of the house to the sidewalk, and the end of the driveway need to be shoveled.

Sign up as an individual or with one or more friends! Shoveling snow has never been so fun! Volunteer Hamilton interviews all recipients and volunteers for this program.

If you think this is the volunteer opportunity for you then apply at or call 905-523-1910.